Some of you are going to get angry with me for writing this, but, I have no other choice.
One of the reasons it took so long for me to see the WTBS clearly, is my regular (and secret) search through "apostate" literature was not satisfying. I had read literally hundreds of accounts of people who felt just like the post that began this thread.
These personal stories related how they felt alone, abandoned, uncared for, unwanted, left out, unaccepted, once they began associating regularly. Depsite all of the rosy promises in the WTBS literature, there were also hundreds of talks and sermons urging people not to focus on social issues, but KEEP BUSY, MAKE PROGRESS, BUY OUT OPPORTUNE TIME, DON'T COMPLAIN.
Remember all of those uncomfortable and insensitive reminders? I do. The JW's are not selling a social club atmosphere. Sure they are super friendly in the beginning, then right after baptism you're on your won. You're expected to get right in there and start working.
When I read similar accounts about lack of love, I just couldn't find sympathy/empathy in EVERY situation. I believe you MUST take FULL ownership of your life, whether religious or not.
Lack of company and friendship does prove or disprove the validity of any religious teaching, other than humans are a royal pain in the ***.
The teachings are a major problem and that is the impetus for freedom, not the lack of companionship. Why not ask the members of those congregations how they felt about the individual complaining?
In my personal case, in every hall I attended I was disliked, period. I enjoyed the silent tension and secret animosity. It kept all of my business private and kept people at bay. All they could do was gossip behind my back. Manage your outcomes in life and stop measuring what is good or bad based on people's flaws.